What will in-person worship be like?
We are excited to welcome you back to in-person worship but we also want to ensure the health and safety of all. While we believe the following precautions will limit our exposure to possible infection, there is never any guarantee of absolute zero risk. Minimizing risk, minimizes the spread—which not only serves us and our neighbors, but our entire community!
In-Person Worship at Zion
We will have two worship services
- Traditional Worship at 10:45 am
- Contemporary Worship at 5:00 pm
There will still be an online option
- The 10:45 am service will be live-streamed and archived on Youtube and this website.
- ZION DEMAND will be available on Mondays by 9 am.
How to Participate in Worship
Masks are absolutely mandatory—no exceptions
- If you have a medical condition that prevents you from being able to wear a mask, please stay home and enjoy our online option
- If you have a child with you, under the age of 5, they are not required to wear a mask but we encourage you to take advantage of the nursery
There will be singing
- Congregants will remain masked, and will be encouraged to sing lightly
We will maintain 6 foot distancing at all times
In the Sanctuary:
- We will be seated, every other pew with 6’ between individuals or groups
- Families may sit together on the ends of the pews
- Dispersed evenly, about 3 people on each end of the pew fit with 6’ between
|xxx—6’ distance—xxx|
|xxxx—6’ distance—xx|
|xxxx—6’ distance—xx|
|xxxxx—6’ distance—x|
|xxxxx—6’ distance—x|
(you get the idea)
Entering the Building
Please use the main doors (West Entrance) under the portico when entering the building.
- Using the automatic sliding glass doors will minimize contact and shorten your walking distance once inside
Worshipping with Kids
Nursery will be available
- From 10:30 am – 12:00 pm for Traditional Worship
- From 4:45 pm – 6:15 pm for Contemporary Worship
- Still staffed by our excellent, professionally licensed Childcare teachers
Sunday School and Catechism
- Sunday School is from 9:30-10:30 am for children Kindergarten through grade 6 in the childcare hallway (the room next to the Nursery)
- Catechism is from 9:30-10:30 am for children grades 7-8 in the Library
- Masks are required for both
On Your Way Out
At the end of the service:
- Pastor will dismiss each row, one at a time.
- Please return unused offering envelopes, pens, and discarded bulletins into the appropriate bins. This will help us greatly in limiting contact.
- We ask that you not congregate in the Narthex or anywhere else in the building after the service.
- If you would like to visit with folks after the service, please do so outside!
This should go without saying, but if you feel sick at all, STAY AT HOME.
(Fever, cough, headache, shortness of breath, fatigue, congestion, sore throat,
runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, etc.)
OR If you are at increased risk because of your age (65+) or your health due to
any of the conditions or behaviors listed below, please consider staying home.
any of the conditions or behaviors listed below, please consider staying home.
(Cancer, kidney or liver disease, COPD, obesity, serious heart conditions, sickle cell disease, diabetes,
asthma, cystic fibrosis, high blood pressure, neurological conditions such as dementia, pregnancy,
smoking, pulmonary fibrosis, thalassemia, if you are in an immunocompromised state for any reason)